books I have read and tv series that i finished this week…

This weekend I have two books on hand one is History is all you left me by Adam Silvera and the other one is What Light by Jay Asher. We all know that Jay Asher is the author of Thirteen Reasons Why which Netflix had a TV adaptation of it. Last week I finished 2 books in 2 days and that’s a record for me. The last time I could finish 1 book in 1 day was way back high school, Harry Potter days. Those 2 books were a page turner. I can’t stop reading and it’s a holy week vacation I had all the time to read books. Those books were Cradle and All by James Patterson and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I read Thirteen Reasons Why before I watched the whole series on Netflix. All readers can relate to this, we all want to read the book before we watch it on the big screen or on TV. I’m not disappointed on the tv adaptation because most of the time the screen adaptation of a book is way to different to the point that we could not recognize the story anymore or the way it is being portrayed is too bland and boring. But on this one I like it, especially the cast. Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker and Dylan Minnette as Clay Jensen and the rest of the cast, they are all perfect. Katherine Langford portrayed Hannah really well so is Dylan Minnette. I finished the series last night and finally I could move on from Thirteen Reasons Why. Now I know what the fuzz is all about. This is the 2nd tv series I watched on Netflix. First was The Crown and this. For The Crown I wish I could make a blog post about it because it was a really good tv series telling the story of the royal family. I’m interested with the royal family because who doesn’t want to be a princess, right? Anyway back to books, I haven’t made a blog post about All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. That book made me cry so hard. It’s heartbreaking. It’s been 3 weeks since I finished the book and I still can’t get over with the love story of two broken teenagers Finch and Violet. If you are reading this now I highly recommend it. Although I assumed if you are an avid reader you must have read it already but if not oh I suggest to get the book and page by page be in love with their story. For now, I will finish History is all you left me and I hope I could finish also What Light by Jay Asher. Until my next my post… Happy weekend y’all.